Roger D. Werking Head, Attitude Determination and Control Section National Aeronautics and Space Administration/ Goddard Space Flight Center Extensiye work has been done for many years in the areas of attitude determination, attitude prediction, and attitude control. During this time, it has been difficult to obtain reference material that provided a comprehensive overview of attitude support activities. This lack of reference material has made it difficult for those not intimately involved in attitude functions to become acquainted with the ideas and activities which are essential to understanding the various aspects of spacecraft attitude support. As a result, I felt the need for a document which could be used by a variety of persons to obtain an understanding of the work which has been done in support of spacecraft attitude objectives. It is believed that this book, prepared by the Computer Sciences Corporation under the able direction of Dr. James Wertz, provides this type of reference. This book can serve as a reference for individuals involved in mission planning, attitude determination, and attitude dynamics; an introductory textbook for stu dents and professionals starting in this field; an information source for experimen ters or others involved in spacecraft-related work who need information on spacecraft orientation and how it is determined, but who have neither the time nor the resources to pursue the varied literature on this subject; and a tool for encouraging those who could expand this discipline to do so, because much remains to be done to satisfy future needs.
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Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control provides the fundamental concepts and mathematical basis for spacecraft attitude determination and control. It is intended to serve as both a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students and as a reference guide for practicing professionals. A primary motivation of this text is to develop the theory of attitude determination from first principles to practical algorithms, because very few of the existing texts on spacecraft control treat spacecraft attitude determination in depth. We emphasize specific applications so the reader can understand how the derived theory is applied to actual orbiting spacecraft. We also highlight some simplified analytical expressions that can serve as first cut analyses for more detailed studies and are especially important in the initial design phase of a spacecraft attitude determination and control system.
All of the examples shown in the text have been programmed and simulated using MATLAB. It has been our experience that to thoroughly understand the intricacies of a subject as diverse as spacecraft attitude determination and control theory, one must learn from basic fundamentals first. Although computer routines can provide some insights to the subject, we feel that they may hinder rigorous theoretical studies that are required to properly comprehend the material. Therefore, we strongly encourage students to program their own computer routines, using the codes provided from this website for verification purposes only. 2ff7e9595c