Performance of randomized SVD on MRF-bSSFP sequence with rank k = 100 and power iteration index q = 0. Top to bottom: T1 maps, T2 maps, and off-resonance maps. Column (a): MRF maps without compression. Column (b): MRF maps with randomized SVD with k = 100 and q = 0. Column (c): difference maps between the two cases.
Resonance Rank Refiner Pdf Download
Performance of randomized SVD on MRF-bSSFP sequence with rank k = 100 and power iteration index q = 2. Top to bottom: T1 maps, T2 maps, and off-resonance maps. Column (a): MRF maps without compression. Column (b): MRF maps with randomized SVD with k = 100 and q = 2. Column (c): difference maps between the two cases. 2ff7e9595c