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FTV Girls Anne Dinner Date


i iTHE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 23 1902 7SOCIETY SO CIE 7 Y AND PERSONAL MEiVTIOiYAl MENTIOIVAFFAIRS MENTION MENTIONAFFAIRSAFFAIRS Al PAIRS IN WASHINGTON lfl AND OTHER CITIESMiss Roosevelt oosevis t Returns cturizs to White r zits House Housefor IIoltsej Houseorfor j or 1 Christmas bT 7st71zas Lady a Herbert Herbert and Her HerSon Hercctc ley leyS01tSon Expected EX ected cctc at British Brtt sh Embassy TodayThe White Haese HaeseMinn HHSeoHM HeiseMissoHM RooMmlt It the daughter gllter of the tbeJr theIrldfat thePrJr Irldfat FldeBt who laG ha 11M lss tie BOOB vteltlsg friends friendsIn tlladaIn friendsInIn Xow Yerk for th the paet p t two weeks eeJc re returned retmnfd retnrncd turned to the White House H yesterday yesterdayTheodore yesterdayTheodore 8IIleniarTheodoreTheodore Hooeevelt Jr passed yester yesterday yeeterda yseterday day da in New York YorkTke YorkTke YorkTheTke Feroign Colony ColonyLady Colonylaty ColonyLadyLady Herbert who went et t to New York Yerklast YrklaFt Yorklastlast week Hit to be with h her r Aster lI ter Mrs Mrsrcftiellua ldrsnrtirellus 118 118oJlIelluarcftiellua oJlIellua VaWcrMH whose MH hwebaad Ii hoa sii bas Lasbeen basborn Jta JtabNnborn seriously rtoMb ill will return to Ute tb embass em embassy eaba51l bass bassy thin afternoon after with her MR Sid Sidney SldJly d dnyny who arrived oa the Kaieer Wllhehn Wllhehndtr Wilhelmder VIlh lm lmflerfler Qroeae GI08M GI08MThf Sunday SundayThe SvadayTheThe llraztttflu nrUt mIu minister soar and Mrs 111I tW deatsBradt k As AsMsBnuril s shMsBnuril h Brutl who bate e decided deGkl d to remainIn remain remainInIn New York for the winter art visiting visitingtho vl nettingthr tUn tUnthrthr Argentine minister and Senora SeaoraMfrou 581HKaprou SenoraMprouMfrou MfrouLieutenant MprouLieutenaat prou prouLlfuttnaatLieutenant eo Commander tes tier Schaefer re recently reltntly raccntly cently appointed naval attaeh of the tharrrman tkekrruaa theCennaarrrman nabasaj to succeed JIUtIOe a icceed Cantata Ten TenKrheurPaMhwIU YenRfbearPMeltwSt vonReheurPaselewitrKrheurPaMhwIU who is at present eta etattored statiorpd ta tatIOJ4tiorpd at t Kiel has reached 1Md the embassy embassyCaptain ambaeeyCaptain bAMY bAMYCaptatnCaptain Scfaaeicr ceases e COM as of a dtetin distini dtetinxutcbod dleUo1llsbtdi xutcbod 1llsbtd family and fe I a man ef pleasing pleasingIKrsonallty aatng aatngpcrIKrsonallty 1 pcr ona1ltF Ho will be as a addition to toJbo tothl toitit Jbo Diplomatic Corn CornLioutoaaat Caps CGcJIILMatoDaDt CapsLieutenantLioutoaaat Clarks Ball BallLieut BallUut BallLieutLieut Robert Sterling nug Clarks Clarksdance Clukscbnlt Clarksdancedance at the New WlUard 11J1ml teat night was wasby waaby weebyby far tb the smartest tt function that bas bastaKPD hastUatn baatuKrntaKPD place this seneca Mr Clark was waaassisted wasnsefetedassisted IM reeuin rvaeivirig reo nlls g hi kill sisterinlaw sisterinlawMrs deterInlawMrs MerlalawMrsMrs F Ambroao A Asrbro Clark a bride of last lastfall Jutfan lestfallfall and Ltd eouaiH aft Miss M Chafe Chatr who whorilttrlbuted whoillltnbut whodtrtrlbttidrilttrlbuted illltnbut d the favors for or the cotillon cotillonMrs coUlhmMra cetlllenMrsMrs Cowlea Cowl Mrs G P Serlven Mr Mrs W WW WW W1vW RockhtU Mm In W II Merriam Mrs Mrsforbin MrsCorbin MrsCorbinCorbin iUe Miss I Swan Keaa X and aIM Miss 111 M I K HChaffee KChaffee BhrfChaffee hrf Mrs Ira Clark wore aa extremely extremelyblooming extremelylwromlnlt extremelybPblooming bP omdng toilette of white JBOUltHllneofr seouaeeltneover reouseellne reouseellneoverover pink taffeta KIM Chaffees frock frockwas frockwas rockwwas w ot light lIg t yellow 7ello brocade Five hun hundred huadred huedred dred guests were Invited and supper WM WMserved WIWIsrvfd weeservedserved at small tables It was beg after aftermidnight afterm aftermtdnlgbtmidnight m IdDIJbt whoa the cotillon which was wasled wasIfd wasledled by George Howard began saa The Thefavors TIMf8ors Thefavorsfavors were liver trinkets Among those thoseattending tlitoseattfJdlq thoseettendingattending were Minister Senor Ojeda Ojdathe OjdatheBamneae the theBaroneea tbeBaronetMIBaroneea Hengelmuller wife of the Aus Austrian AWItrlaR Aaetrlan trian ambaesador and a td her guest sue t Baron Baroness Daronss Baroaecc ess ss run Palm the Persian minister Gen GenJeaflo GRI GenIsteJeaflo I LI Kahn Baron Frankeaeteta Praokat Signer SignerBormettl stgnorDor SignorBorgnettiBormettl Dor bettt Bacon von flitter Mis MIN Ogden OgdenJones OgdenJon OgdenJanesJones Jon and Alexander Jones of Now NowYork NowYork NowYorkYork Viscount de Alte the Minos Wet Wetmore Wctmore Wetmoremore Mite Alice Ward MlM Sibley Mlis MtwaAnita MlisAnita It ItAnitaAnita Poor Colonel and Mrs Baboetk BaboetkGeneral BaboeckOlDfral BaboetkGeneralGeneral Crozler Cre er Colonel Colo l aDd Mrs Blfjg Blfjgham DI1JFbarn Btngbamham Lieutenant cad Mrs Borden Lieu Lieutenant LI LItoant Llautenant tenant Bell Lieutenant IVOR Ive Mies MIe de deFeyster d dPelller dePeyslerFeyster Lieutenant Jewett Colonel Bd Edwards BdMrarda 4 4Wardawards Miss Washington WHkl gtan Major Maj r and Mrs MrsGreene MrsOreene MrsGreeneGreene Mr von Callenberg Lieutenant LieutenantMoore LleutonaotJoo LieutenantMooreMoore Joo Mtac W Catlin Mine Merriam Miss MlseWilton MissWilson tlH tlHWneonWilson daughter of the Secretary of Ag Agriculture Agrtculture Agriculture riculture Major Schuyler Mis MIN Bltaa Bltaabeth Bllaa1x Bliaabethbeth 1x > th Itotea list the u Mlntes 11 PaUea PaUe Payraaa Payffiaster Payraaater Paymasterter Hick Cant Joseph S Herroa AnseIorfag Miss MissLoring III IIILoringLoring Mtas MacVeagh Miss M Mary Sher Sheridan SherIdan SherIdea idan KIM Farquhar Mts Miss Hagaer Miss MissClagett MlyClapLt MissClegettClagett Captain Leonard Lieutenant LieutenantGraeme LINtantOlhMe8M LieutenantGraeiaeGraeme OlhMe8M and Llonte Llaeteneet ajit Marble MarbleDinners MaritiDiGners MarbleDinnersDinners DinnersThe DiGnersT1M DinnersTheThe ItaHaa aasbaaeador 01 and SIgnora SfgaeraOa BtporaMe SIgnoradoeOa PhaachttO Plulell who w are exerting thow thowtbe t tlmtselvese selve I Ia every y way for the pleseure oC ofthethe younger JOU ssembers ra of society f sa saa gave gavea ive iveaa small dinner Ua last night Their guo g guests guestsincluded M5 M5tDclad4Mt tE tEincludedincluded the charge arp daffaires da ra of the theFrench theFreneb theFrenchFrench embassy aad Mne de Margerle Margerlethe MargerleI Margerlthethe 1 hf Belgian mtaltK mhdaier r awl Berates Mon Moncbeur 11 11cbtur MoncbeurIcbeur aad lid ttls MI Miss Ctatea sister 1 of Ba Baroness Baroue 1 c croness roness roue Mooebewr Mone cad Chafes OINl L 1 1Lard K KLardy LLardyLardy Lard the cbargo daffaires 4 of the Swiss SwissIgatioa 1tW Swiaelegaticn 18 18lKaUCtDIgatioa After dtanor the party t west weacto westto at attoto Lieutenant Clarks Clark daaoa at the New XewW NewV owW V I Hard HardMrs lIardIn hardliraMrs In Joan Atwell tU Win give a dtvaer dtvaerlr HI HIlrlr honor ei 6 f Dtattop S auWlag WIg at atRauacbers a aRauscher atRausehersRauacbers tonight tuaightBefore UlatptBfore tonightBeforeBefore the halt t which W gave ave teat teatnight JaAtnl lastnightnight nl bt Lieut Robert Sterling 6t ciiag Clark Clarktrtalned entertained ea eatortainedtortained his bl h here e gneetB seats at dlaaer dlaaerat Urtat t his bl home in Ooaecttet Coaectl t Avenue A His HisKueata HI HIltue111 Hisguestsguests were re Mr Bud Mrs M F 1 AMbroee AMbroeeClark AmbreeJerk h hIarkClark Iark Miss MI Mb Cbaffoe Cbatr Chetoe111ophaa Stoybea It Clark Alex Alexander Alesand4r Abesander ander Jones Jones Robtirt Maclay Mae OeurgPotts Oeorga OeorgaIotts OtNHpIottPotts Iott Boutberlaod outbd Irving and a Waldo WaldoJohnston WaldeJohnston VahleJohnatoltJohnston Miss MI 1 FraacM Og 0 Ogden Ia J Jesse M and andher aMihfr andhrher niece nieceEdwin nieceEcwla nieceEdwiaEdwin Morgan eaUrtaiiMd ntertat a party fAn ef ofrnrty efforty atforiforty fori gneeta eta last night niI It at Ratwebar8 Ratwebar8Mrs Jtaaa Raueeheraire ews ewsInMrs In Cowles and MIL Herbert H D DPierce DIIree DfiercePierce received for Mr 11 Morgaa X ua Tile ThoCompany Tileompan7 TheyCompany y was seated at tear I table taWearnlch taW taWbtch tableernlch e btch warp rp decorated with holly II lit litguests 11 11UflIt Hla Hlaguestsguests UflIt were wet Miss MI Alice Roeeeveit the theBelgian tMHeliPan theBelgianBelgian minister Iolator and Baroaeea Mon Menhour Monhur Moneheureheur hour the tll Iortugueee Iort minlMer Via Viaount VIaouot Viapuntpunt de Alte tile charge eIIar daATairea of ofthe f t tthe tthethe French embassy em and lid Mme I de Mar Marft Maryn Car CarJIyn ft rli t the Misses II Hitchcock CouateM CouateMriMlni Counts eouatuBIDI CountsaoeinlriMlni Mile 1It oes des Plavch Planches Count Quadt Quadtof Qtladtot Quadtofof he Ctarman embaaay y Mr Norman Nor of oChf athe J Jbobo British embaaay em Mr aad Mra Ira Jamee JameeWadswortb J JWadworth JaoaaWadsworthWadswortb jr Major > McCawley McCawle Senor SonorFJlano SenorRlano I IHlanoFJlano the Nurses II Warder Walter V It Itlierry Iturry RGerryGerry and Hon Geoffrey Coe Arthur All hur Stanley St n I of 1lagiaedCeeer England EnglandGeneral JCq JCqtflftenlGeneral Ceeer l Cor CorWa bin and Mr Mn CorM were wereIn werethe werethethe petit or honor At a dinner given givenIn Ioa IoaInIn Cincinnati Clnd aaU WodaoMiay W night by J JG JG JGG SchinWHipp chID Othtm Otbtr prevent were Mr Mrao Mrao Mrodao od arn Hinkle Mr sad Mrs M t A iBgaltai iBgaltaiMr lple lplefr lagelkHrMr fr amt ai Mrs ra Lowr Laswree awe Maxwell jr Mr Mrand Mrod Mrandand od Mrs Charles CIIar P Taft cad Mr awl awlMrs alHtIrs andMrsMrs Irs Colston Colstonroloael Colstoacolonelcolonel and a Mr M rs CMraneo Clare MKwirila MKwirilagave > gave a dinner last Bight t of thirty tlltrbThe e ellters elltersThe or orTheThe company COIDI nT afterward waist t taDt tf HaiUMi HaiUMiant 1latsaantant Clarks Cia dance danceThe dancfTh danceTheThe Th gor Secretary rotary of lh tq Jflnvj wtil WtUaJn eatar eatara1n nUr nUrUiinUiin at dinner on Cbrlojjaws 1Luncheons LuncheonsMlM LuncheonsMlee IMlM 11118 Jeaeie Benton Fremont gave a aluncheon II IIlUilchooa aluncheonluncheon yesterday Her guests were werethe werethe werethethe Masses U Tyler Miss File Pansy Bloomer BloomerMis DJoomerIN BloomerWienMis Wien IN Mabel Porklns Vise tltHJ Jean Loring LoringMiM LoringI LoringMiceMice I Elise Logan Mts MlM MI Anna Cockrell Cockrallaad Cockrellel Cockrellandand el MiM Sally Schroeder SchrooderMrs Sehroooerrs SchroederMrsMrs rs Charles CharI Glover entertained at atluncheon 31lliacheon atluncheonluncheon todayTeas TeasMrs TC4srs TeasMrsMrs rs Bovorloy R Mason will 111 present presenther presentIter presentherher third daughter Miss Mary Iary Wallace WallaceMason WallaceIMO WallaceMasonMason MasonMrs at a tea on January 3 3Mrs 3MrsMrs Thomas Edwin Rldgway has seat seatout senlMlt seateatout cards for a tea December 30 at 3616 3616Dumbarton 381 381Dumbarton 3116DumbartonDumbarton Avonue northwest to Intro Introduce IntrodUM introdoss duce bar daughter Miss tlH Tonita Rldg Rldgway RIdgway Rldgway wayWeddings WeddingsThe WeddingsThe WeddingsTheThe marriage of MlM MI Edith R Gray Grayand Grayand Grayandand Robert S Reynolds Hitt took plaee plaeeit plaeeat placeatat it St Bartholomews Church New York Yorktoday YorkI Yorktodaytoday at neon Vocal and Instrumontal Instrumentalmusic Instrumontalmuilc InstrumontalmusicImusic was a feature of the wedding The Thebride Tho1frlde Thebridebride who Is a handsome young oun woman womanof womanor womanofof the blond type and very popular was wasgiven wasgiven wasgivengiven away by her father Judge John JohnClinton JohnClIoton JohnClintonClinton Gray of the New York court of ofappeals orappoals ofappealsappeals MIns Gray wan attended by byMte byMiss IMIN Mte Edith Devereaux Clapp Miss tlss Eva ExmOarbey ER8rHY EvaliarbeyOarbey 8rHY sad Miss Janet Fish of Now NowYork 10WYork NowYorkYork Miss Uss Ellen Drexel Paul of Phila Philadelphia PhUa1 PhUa1delphla Philadelphia delphia and Mice U Alice Burnham and andMiM andMiceMice MI Nannie Thayor of Boeton Mr MrHltfs Mrlittta IHltfs HUt boat man was U his hl brother W F FHitt FHilt FHtttHilt Hte 11 ushers were the brides bridesbrothers brldesl brldeslbrothers bridesbrothersbrothers J Clinton Gray jr Austin AustinGray AuellRGray AustinGrayGray jr J H Rogers Winthrop Milton MiltonSS Barger Payae Whitney W UBey William Hale Haleand Hal Haleand 1and Dr Van Buren After the wedding weddinga I Iaa reception and breakfast wore gives at attbe attbe atthetbe Metropolitan Club Many lo any Washing Washington WashlngtOil Washington ton people went over for the cermoay cermoayMr eert ceremenyMr HInr iMr 11 Hitt who has ha boon 00 attached to the theAmerican theAmrlcan theAmericanAmerican embassy embelHl la Paris for several severalyears severalyears severalyearsyears baa II recently been transferred to toBerlin toBrlln toBerlinBerlin BerlinFrederick BrllnFrederlok BerlinFredorlckFrederick S Ramona formerly of this thiaolty thisoIty thiscitycity son of George B Esaaeoc Bm t9D and Alice MiMLolla AliceLolla UIHI UIHILollaLolla T Arnold daughter of R A Ar Arnold Arnold Arnold nold were quietly lIleUy married yesterday yesterdayatat tho ho parsonage ef old Christ Church ChurchBast ChurchRut ChurchunitRut Washington by ROT A S Johns Johnsthe Jobuthe Johnsthethe rector and started Immediately for forBrooklyn torBrooklya forBrooklynBrooklyn N Y where they will reside rellde1ft resideInIs Grace Church Chantry on Saturday SaturdayMias SaturdayMias SaturdayMissMias Edith Maud Benedict the daughter daughterofof James Jam Benedict Dene4kt Wall married to toPierre toPlerre toPierrePierre Jay Wurts Mr Wurts Is a firstcoueta first arsteousta firstCHetneousta of Col William Jay He is also alsorelated alsorelated alsorelatedrelated to the Wurts and DandasWurta DandasWurtaand DilD4as Wur18 Wur18andand Duadas Lipplapott LIPJtI zott olt Wurts families of ofPhiladelphia otPhiladelphia ofPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia He has been living for forseveral forseveral forseveralseveral years at SB Washington Square SquareNorth SquarsNortb SquareNorthNorth NorthAnother NortbAnotker NorthAnotherAnother wedding that took place on enSaturday onSflturday onSaturdaySaturday in tbe chantry of the Church Churchofof Zion aDd St Timothy was w that of ofKllwbeth otBIItteth ofEllsebethKllwbeth Amery Day the daughter of ofthe ortile ofthethe late Dr Walter De Forest Day well wellknown w1IkDOWR wellknownknown tea years ago socially and pro professionally prote profslenally fessionally te loully and J Brnest Windeet of ofLondon ofLooooa ofLondonLondon The bride was a given away by byher byher byherher brother 8 Sherwood rwood Day Only the tberelatlvcoand therolatlvoea therelatlvoarelatlvcoand relatlvoa and a few Intimate friends were weret wreat werepresentpresent t at the Mre1I7 Mre1I7Engagements ereaenyEngagementsEngagements EngagementsIfopreeeatatlve EngagementsICcpreDtaU EngagementsItupreaeatatlveIfopreeeatatlve Kewlsads of Nevada Nevadaaaaouaeoa NeacIBalUHMla Nevadaaaeouncsaaaouaeoa alUHMla tbe Lb engagement of hta 11 daugh daughter HtlgkW daughter ter Bdlth to Charles Johsetoa Jell SOB of 1the ofthe ofthothe late ate Dr W W 1 Johnston JohastoaMrs JohnstonNraMrs 1 William Will Goaard aaaouaoM DOII the theeagagomeat tilegageat theengagaaaeateagagomeat of her sea Clarence Knight KnightCoaand KalgktOMan KnightGuardOMan sad Miss I Rosalie Kh Rives of ofOharlotteovllle orObarloUTm ofCharlottovtlieOharlotteovllle Va VaSocial VaSocial VaSocialSocial Chat From Baltimore BaltimoreAIA delightful sveat is society yesterday yesterdayevening yesterdayevenlagevening eeol g was the ball given by Mr and aadMrs auMra andMrsIMrs John Je D B Be Beauaes Ie in boner of their theirdaughter theirtIIulgltter theirdaughterdaughter Mice M Frances Sesame at their theirresidence theirreetdenea I IrkleBHresidence Is 1 Sent t Bager Street The Theentire TheentireIentire lre Arst Boer oor was artistically deco decorated deeorated decorated rated with holly crowfoot smilax which predominated In the ball balland hallaad ballnodand rooms roomsThe reo reono roamsTheThe small 11 tables of eight covers oach oachat oachat I Itat t which tIM peel were wr served rvlHl supper supperwore supperwere I Iwwore w decorated eeratH with American Beauty Beautyroses Beautyrue I Irae8IIroses rue and lighted uted with red wax candles candleswith eaR candleswith hHl hHlwithwith ahad shades hadi > s of bright red r Aa orchestra orchestraconcealed onheetraeoHealed orchestraconcealedconcealed behind H NI palms fAl la a corner of ofthe otUte ofthethe drawing room discoursed aa excel excellent exelleal excellent lent program for 10 dancing aad played sev several nevsrsl eral 1 selections Hleatl during ur1og the supper MrsI I ICHRISTMASMENUS TO GLADDEN GLADDENCHRISTMAS GLADDENCHRISTMASCHRISTMAS DINERSThe iaieraat aroused la the series of ofHHnug otJlMB ofmenusmenus JlMB for Cbriotraaa Cllril t dinners The Times Tlmwbaa TlmOlllea Timesleerbaa lea been Ite publishing for the th past fAt few fewdaja tewdaya fewdaysdays baa induced Manager ta al8r Tally of the tbeKaMgb theJtaJetglt theRaleighRaleigh to haM prepared a contribution eoHtrlbvlloate eORtrllNUototo the t Ifei lt tent t from his hi boos The first ot ottha oClhe ofthethe means ip I limited limit to 1 a plate and andla andle nd ndIla I designed as a guide to housewives inthe In Intbe Inthethe preparation of their home dinners dinnersNo dinnersNo dinnersNoNo account ia I taken oftae ot the co cost t of prep preparatloa preparation preparationaration ia tbl this lnetan 11tfttaMe and tbe 11 1 a aplate apia aplateplate pia repreaeata only the COlt ot the raw rawatarial rawatwtal rawmaterialmaterial atarialatarialAA DollaraPlate Feast FeastMM Fe1stXUt FeastMastMastSlue Mast XUtttIRMM 141ntmQSneemm PofoU PofoUmiaaii ttIR ttIR0Ih0eAQSneemm miaaii Ye VomrfealU VomrfealUfiirtMa etgeIU0Ih0eA ON ONStrived g6elary g6elarytest CCIIerTStrived lies a aTWfcejr ae Ont litII test TWfcejr fiIr key rreeberty CbM CbMll4Dfe souse Se eMashed p PeiMee 8ttt1w1 T1Nastves T1Nastvesyeglk efc efcanliMs dkll4Dfe lot Oraam AmtritA A Am + rted tale Oalefo fti eJJNad fo 4f JHtUtms Maffei Mt It etc ctreeSomraos and her daughter who is one oneof oneoC oneofof last seasona oa oai on meet Bought after debu debutante t1ebu1nt8ll debutante tante received the guests atone aloaeThere aloReTherp atoneThereThere wore present besides many many mar married married married ried guests gue b the debutantes ot this and andlast andlast andlastlast season aSOD and many young men menMia menU8t menMienMia Mien U8t BIslo lslo Woodbury Woodbur Brown of New NewYork NewYork NewYorkYork the fiancee of Thomas rho Court Courtney Curtney Ceurtney ney Jenkins who came to Baltimore to toattead toaHoad toattendattend the ball given by Mr II and Mrs MrsNathaniel MrsNathaillt1 MrsNathanielNathaniel N James Jam last Friday evening eveningatat Lehmanns Hall aDd who has ha been beenthe Henthe beenthethe guest of Mr and Mrs George C CJenkins CJenkins CJenkinsJenkins at their residence on Chase ChaseStreet ChueStreet ChaseStreetStreet left yesterday for New York YorkMis YorkoUN YorkMissMis Miss Brown will return to Baltimore la latime IDUm Intimetime Um for the Ua large lare theater party which whichIs whichIs whichIsIs to be given In her honor by b Mrs 118 Jen Jenkins JeRkins Jenkins kins on thu evening of January 2 at the theAcademy theAeademy theAcademyAcademy of Music to bee see ee The Chinese ChineeHoneymoon ChtB ChtBHoncymoon ChineseHoneymoonHoneymoon HoneymoonMrIMr and Mrs rs William H Whltrldge Whltrldgewho Whllrldgewho Whitridgewhowho have been spending s en4lnl several days at atthe atthe atthethe WaldorfAiteria ia New York bave bavereturned baverelurBfd havereturnedreturned home homePhiladelphia hemePhiladelphia homePhiladelphiaPhiladelphia Gossip GossipCan G08sipGen GossipGenGen and Mrs Leonard Wood are the theguost theguosta theguostaguosta ef the Misses Senders of 1836 1 Lo Loeust LoCUlt LooustCUlt Street StreetThe StreetThe StreetTheThe second Fortalghtly Cotillon will willbo willbo willbebo hold this evening in Natatorium Hall Hallat Hallat Ifallatat 836 83 oclock oclockMrs ocllckIrs oclockMrsMrs Irs T Burnslde Morrla and Mis 111 Miss An Anna Anna Anna na Morris will give a small mall dinner to tonight tonlgbt tonight night at their residence S41 South SouthTwentyfirst SoulbTwentyfirst SouthTwentyfirstTwentyfirst Street before the second secondFortnightly looondFertnllhtly secondFertnightlyFortnightly Cotillon The dinner Is in inhonor Inhonor Inhonorhonor of Miss Van Reypen ot Waehingten Washing Washingten Waohlngtenten D Dr 0 0Miss 0MIBS CMienMiss MarWretta Marfi retta Porter will Join her herfather hertatber herfatherfather Major John Bldale Porter U S SA SA SAA who is stationed in St Paul Miss MissPorter MIHPortoI MissPorterPorter will renala la St Paul during duringthis duringthis duringthisthis winter winterLIpuL wlatorLh winterLleuLLIpuL Lh ut C Rodman Jones of C the First FirstUaltod FirstUall FirstUnitedUnited Uall Status Cavalry Is la Philadelphia Philadelphiaforfor a few days day oa leave leav of absence absenceLieutenant abeleneeLletlltenant abeeneeLieutenantLieutenant Jones Joo bas jest finished Ills bissecond IllsHCOItd hissecondsecond tour of duty In the Philippines PhilippinesCapt PhlllpplaellCapt PhilippinesCaptCapt an and Mrs C F Goodrich will willgive willglvo willgivegive a luncheon OB board the United UnitedEtatos UnitedStatOll UnitedStatoaEtatos steamship Minneapolis tIloaoap ll now at atIn atleagu atLeagueLeague Island Navy Yard seat Friday FridayIn FridayInIn boner of her cousin Miss MI Mabel Hoy Hoyward Hoyward Heywardward TaylorNew York Notes NotesThe NotesThe NotesTheThe first of a set of dances known kaewnas kseWDasas the Farralagton Farmlngt subscription dances danceswas Canc8I Canc8Iwas danceswaswas given last night at Sherry The Theyoung Theyoung Theyoungyoung wooaea who ho organized these theeedances thesedances th thdaMosj dances are graduates of the famous famousschool faJBousscbool famousschoolschool for girls girl founded aDd presided presidedovor pr8l14edover presidedoverover for so many years by Miss MI Porter Porterat Perterat Porteratat FannlaiitoB Conn The guests were werereceived wererHelvoo werereceivedreceived by b Mrs William T Gulliver GulliverMrs Gulliver1lrs GulliverMrsMrs Thomas Thacher and Mrs Tucker Tuckerman Tuckermanman It iras rather aa early and In Informal Informal informal formal dance The cotilloa was led by bySoott byS byScottScott S ott MeLnaahaa who ho danced alone aloneSome aloB830me aloneSomeSome of the subscribers are Miss Lou LouIBO LouIso LouIsoIso Gulliver Miss Louise Thacher ThacherMiss TackerMIH ThacherMiceMiss Edith Lounabery the MiseaHubbell MisooA MisooAHubbell IINeR IINeRHubbellHubbell Mine IMI Tuekanaaa Tucken aR the Mtoses MtosesBrloe MI MIHrlae MIBrleeBrloe Miss Ails Mae Fell Mrs F FBurton FDurtonUarrl8on FBurtonHarrleonBurton DurtonUarrl8on Harrison and Mrs Mr H F DIMOCk DimeekThe DIMOCkThe DimockTheThe next dance dAB will 111 be given oa February Feb February Febroar ruary roar It AtMrs ItMrs 11MnMrs Randolph Hurry gave at Dees Deesworths DocIaworths Dodsworthsworths last night a dance M fer her debu debutante debutante Ma Matanto tante daughter Mias Blleabeth M Hurry HurryThere HurryTbr hurryThereThere wan a eo cotillion til Hen which was led ledby ledby ledbyby Renwlek C Hurry who ko danced with withbis withkill withhiskill courts the debutante debutanteMr cleMitaDwMr debutanteMrMr and Mrs Frederic J de d Peytergave Payater PayaterPeyoter P8J8tergavegave a dinner lest evening at Ute De DePerAter DePeystarPeyoter rHoldeaoe rlMlde 14 Batti aat lit Sixtysixth SixtysixthStreet SixtysixthStreet xtylI1xthStreetStreet TIM guests were Mr and Mrs MrsHestry MrsHenry Irs IrsUHryHenry Dlsseok Mr sad Mra G R RSebleffella ItSebteJfelia RSehieftelfaSebleffella Mr aad Mrs John M Bow Bowers Dwen Lewera ers Mrs Jared Jar Beokataa and IMI John Mc MeMrs McKim McKimKim Kim11rsMrs Charles CharI Meyers wy of Hoapotead Hoapoteadgave I1JMflea4gave Itempteadgavegave another ef a series J ef C Monday at atheafos atho atbossesbosses ho yesterday at the resMeaee et her herbrother kINbrotMr herbrotherbrother Dr George Cam Car Carnell ell Freeborn Jlre born218 West Seventieth Street to introduce iatrediHeher latredtHIeI latredtHIebel introduceherher daughter Miss Jeaaaetttf Meyers MeyersMr MeyerMr MeyersMrIMr aad Mrs Anthony J Drexel Bid Biddie Blddie Biddledie will give a novel ovel entertainment la latbe lathe Inthethe form tit a Christmas tree party en enWednesday onWe4nH41ay en1VedneadayWednesday evening at their residence recdd6Beenn 2104 04 Walnut Street StreetA StreetA1A small dance will be given at Del Delonleos DelJB9Rleo DelmonleosJB9Rleo onleos 8 this evening by r Mrs Almon AlmonGoodwin AlMOnGedwln AlmenGoodwinGoodwin Gedwln of 198 West Fiftyninth FlftyalnthStreet FiftyninthStreet FiftyninthStreetStreet for her debutaate daughter Miss MissHilda MissHilda Ml MlHildaHilda Hawthorne Goodwin GoodwinMrs Geed GoodwiaMrs wi wiMrsMrs Bbea Wright 11 gIlt ef 1 II West WestFiftythird We WestFiftythird l lFiftrthlnFiftythird Street will give a theaterThe Raleighs manager admits that la lathe latlte inthethe propartlea of such tleh a denser his Is an nesistaatg anting allItaate Itaate are net a Well versed as la get getLl gettingting Ll g up more ore elaborate oilibora feast For asecond a asecond alI8eoAdsecond menu lBe u upon which ao limit was wasplaced waeplaoed wasplacedplaced as to price trice the fellewiag eard cardwhich eardwhleh eardwhichwhich the Raleigh will serve at 316 16 a aPlata a11Iat aplatePlata 11Iat represents their Idea as to thebeet the thebest tebeetbeet dinner that it to I possible to pre prepare preparo prepare pare31pNtAbstcas MKNf MKNfAbtrtcon lIIYN lIIYNAbMeoaAbtrtcon felt hitilk I IeMate ilk u et e Ovrter 0 Ifo 1 OtM Stlt r1t4d lted d AlmoNO 1 Celery OeJrrhtookJkMMMot a Ia IaBtMk 1 xoetgkehtook Trout a la l Vuklae V wte MI meIOHHnea JOfIIIMIImlfJIA Benedictinel Benedictine HnmHctteeTmraplaTmrapla l trrapI a U Marylaed MarylaedTs larrJa larrJaureqMpecgei ureq Ts Nor Kwv N l i en breeches k ndle w fl lkfsedake lletla lIn 4aheFh Filets > ta o lie > Perdrenx 1 > er nlrllllX r MX a la aaIkfIII a Luealha LuealhaSorkstaIkfIII Chaceplgr oo fraiu rail fa faSortHii ferde ferdeSorbetSorbet IlflMikwatKe n eeOa Omvs oak k l 1sekr 1o1aJ IlflMikwatKeCarmit li Comet J Jell JellIIJ Jelly JellySc liyIIJ Sc le tie Quanta k kBbrBbr IIrIt fe 3 l Were81MII MIl fie t tW tateW ateThe Brazilian razz zalt Minister znzstc7 and a7a Mrs de c As AssisBrasil AsSzsB1laStt s ssZssZs sisBrasil 7 as2 to Pass ass the t zc Winter j z72ter in z7t New NewYork lcw lcwYork ew ewoYYork oY Dinners z1Z1Z81S 7zne7 s Luncheons a7z and a1 d Teas cosparty at the Empire Theater Tk ter tonight for forher forher ferherher debutante sister Mies Gertrude Pelldaughter Pell Pelldaughter 14111daughterdaughter of C Mrs Walden Pen After the theplay tMplay theplayplay Mr Mrs Wright will take her guest gueetrto guestto gue tp tptoto Sherrys Sherry for suppor and some informal informaldancing Informaldanclnb InformaldancingdancingNotes NotesThe NotesThe NotesTheThe dates selected Ieded for the lh Wednesday Wednesdayevening Wedn Wedneadayevening aY aYennlngevening subscription sub erlptlon dance daac at the NewWillard New NewWlllard NewWillardWillard are January 14 and February 4 4Thoy 4Tho 4TheyThey Tho will be given under tbe auapleee auapleeeef aplcelefef Mrs Boardman Mrs Irs Cewlos Cowl Mrs Ira C CC CC CCC Glover OIo r Mrs Hale Mrs Thomas Them Kel Kelson XlSOD Nelson son Page Mrs Irs Robort Patterson Mrs MrsWilliam Mr MrWilliam 11 11WilliamWilliam Cary Sawyer Mrs Mr Ira Wetmore aDd aadMiss aDdtlN andMineMiss tlN PattenThe Patten PattenThe PalteRTheThe Ort dance ef the Sixty six Couple CoupleCotillon CeupleCotlllon CoupleCotillonCotillon will 11I take place tonight at Ma Masonic MaHnlo Masonic sonic Temple TempleMrs TempleIrs TempleMrsMrs Irs Mary C Upmaa and a 4 Mr and Mrs MraFrank XnFrank MrsFrankFrank Upman have taken flk aaartmeataal apertmeataatthe aaartmeataalthe apartt al altbpthe Irving M14 Irvin Place whore they theywill lhywill theywillwill be glad to receive their friend friendDr frlendtlDr friendsDrDr and Mrs I S Stone of 1618 Rhode RhodeInland RIIOtiIlIll1nd RhodeIslandInland Avenue northwest w111 Introduce Introducetheir Introclueetbolr Introducetheirtheir daughter Miss Helen Stone at a areception 3recepUH areceptionreception this evening eveningMrs eonlngMrs eveningMrsMrs Hobart A Chatfield Taylor who whopassed whopassed whopassedpassed last winter In Washington aslliogton has basbecome hasbecome hasbecomebecome a bookbinder Her workshop work hop is IePASTOR IsPASTOR I IPASTORPASTOR WANTS BACK PAY PAYOR PAYOR PAYOROR HE WILL NOT PREACH PREACHGoes PREACHGoes PREACHGoesGoes on Strike Until Arrears of Salary SalaryAre SalaryAre SalaryAreAre Liquidated Liquid LiquidatedWill tedWi11 Will Spend SpendInterim SpendInterim SpendInterimInterim in Canada CanadaLA CanadnLt CanadaLdLA CROSSE WIs Dec 28 28Rev Rev H F FRons 11 11Ro FRosaRosa Ro pastor of the North Presbyterian PrsebyterianChurch PrNbytwlaDChurch PresbyterianChurchChurch refuses relu to deliver aay more ser sermon HrmoRtl e r rruons mon moRtl until the church pays up arrears arr u of ofsalary ofsalary c cHIlarysalary salaryHo salaryHe HIlaryHeHe Is la Canada at present but has haswrltt BaswrW haswrittaawrltt writtaa his Intentions IntentieasMARRIAGE IntentieBsYIARRIAGE IntentionsIIARRIAGEMARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUEDGorge ISSUED ISSUEDGeorge ISSUEDGtorgeGeorge F Jenkins and Rosa A Hutch Hutchiason HutckI HutchIneeniason iasonGeorge I IneenGeorge DtIOIl DtIOIlGeqrgeGeorge H Leo and Lottie J Smith SmithDaniel SmithDaalel SmithDanielDaniel Washington and Siam SwannAmos Swann SwannAmos SwaakAmosAmos L Norton aDd Grace L Opdyke OpdykeAndrew OpdykeAndrew OpdykeAndrewAndrew V VftholtOD Shelton of Richmond Va Vaand Val Valand a aandand Annie F Dickson Henrieo countyVa county countyVa jVaJames B Rock Rockwood wood and Mary Gra Graham Graham Graham ham both of Prince William county Va VaIsaac VaIsaacI Isaac D Arnold District ef Columbia Columbiaand ColumMaand Columbiaandand Abbie Ab1HeDlJlbm Dtabman Disbmxa n of King George Goorgcounty Georgecountyi county Va VaJohn VaJohn VaJohnJohn E Caton and Roberta D Gordon Gordonboth Gwclol1bolh Gordonbothboth of Fairfax county Va VaLeo VaLeo VaLeoLeo S Webb and Essie Essi Silence SileaceHugo SneaceHugo SilenceHugoHugo L Walter and lea IC M I Haaso HaasoReginald Hi HiReglDald HiasoaReginaldReginald L Gregg and Grace T Downs Downsboth DctwnsIIotk Downsbothboth of Fauquler county Va VaJohn VaI VaJohnI John Dennis Jackson aDd Ada Bell BollCelosMn BellColeman BellColemanColeman CelosMnWilliam ColemanWilliam ColemanWilliamWilliam H Carlln and 1 L R Reeves ReevesJames ReM ReMJam8A ReeeeeJamesJames Moore Hartley aBel Netta etta Flor Florence Flerenee llereDee ence Higdon HlgdonAlbert HigdonAlbert HigdonAlbertAlbert J Conyers and Coriaae Corl Jones JonesJacob Jo JonesJacob ee eeJacobJacob T Hawkins and Martha Marti V YBrooke VBrooks VBrooksBrooks BrookeOscar BrooksO BrooksOscarOscar O ear L Roomy Ream MoatroM louo Va aad aadEllen aadlIlIIen andEllenEllen M I Bowler District Dl tr1et of C Columbia ColumbiaHarry CoIaHarry ColumbaHarryHarry Elmer Van Deusen De ea aad Marga Margaret 1argaret Margaret ret Gertrude Matthews both J olk of Fairfax Fairfaxcounty Palrfaxcounty Fnirfaxcountycounty Va VaJoseph VaJOttoph VaJosephJoseph F Shell Atlanta da 01Id and aadRoberta andRobertaRoberta Thomas Culpeper Va VsJules VaJulea VaJulesJules Cbarraoatet and Anna Borura BoruraRoy BonrBRoy BoruraRoyRoy S Burch of Alexandria Va aad aadAnnie aadADaie andAnnieAnnie Killey of District Dl trlct of Columbia ColumbiaErnest CoIWaBrne ColemiaErnestErnest Brne t B Ache and Kmma B Harris HarrisFrank HarrlFrank HarrisFrankFrank Sponenberg and Ulmer Poles PoeaJoeeph PolesJoseph 101811JoJoseph Jo ept A Neale and Bltaabeth BlhabetkI BlhabetkIFrer BfsabethMFrere M MFrereFrere both of C Charles eouaty Mdon the thirteenth Seer of the Masonic MasonicTemple MasoBlcTemple MasonicTempiTemple in a room leased I from reJB the Arts Artsaad ArtsaRd Artsandand Crafts Society Fitted up with ev every eTerr every ery machine and tool needed to do a aratrate aJlratrate aSrstrateratrate job of bookbinding the plaoe pieceis plaoeIa plaoeleis the scene of serious Hn endeavor There ThereIs ThereDOIs no playing at bookbinding bookbladlagMrMr aDd Mrs Ira Jules Guthridgs have havereturned havereturned havereturnedreturned from New York where they theyhave lhe lhebave theyhavehave been visiting for several weeks weeksThe weeksThe weeksTheThe Saturday Evening Assembly A embly will willgive willsIYe willgivegive a dance ctIaDce Saturday Saturtlai evening December DecemberSTST 21 at the National Rifles JU Armory ArmoryMr ArMer ArMerMr ArmeryMrMr aDd Mrs Guy Norman ora ef New Newport Newport port have leased I Mrs Irc Allan McLeans McLeanshouas MOLeanshowhouas how OUH OH Iowa Circle for the winter wiaUrMiss winterMiss laMMiss I Lillls Llna has gone t tSt > her home la laClovelaad laClevelalld inClevetnsdClovelaad for the holidays holidaysMist Jaolkla7I holidaysstiesI Mist XI Godwin who has 1M been teeR talking aal4tngthe talkingtho i lng lnguthe u Misses M Truxtoa Trsxtoef of Norfolk has 1 re returned restwrHd returned turned homeGeorge homo homoOeorge 11MGeorge L I Taylor of Boston who was wasone wa waODe wasoneone of the ushere N at t tile wedding ag OB OBWednesday ORw enWednesdayw Wednesday of MiM I Maybelie Herman to toHoward t tHoward toHowardHoward Prescott Gatley has t returnedhems returned returnedhome rettJraedhemehemeMr hemsMr home homeMrMr and Mrs Harold Williams lUtas jr jrwhoso JrW jrwlswhoso wls W marriage JDIIrr marrfa e took t ok place here Novae November NeT NeTHI Novaeher her aft > > have been It visiting Tt ltlag Mrs Williams Williamsparents WIUlamapareal8 Wlllianspareataparents Colonel and aile Mrs Ira Craig CraigCOLUMBIA Cral Crali CraigCOLUMBIAiCOLUMBIA ATHLETIC ATHLETICCLUB ATHLETICCLUBI CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS OFFICERSTbe OFFICERSI OFFICERSTheI The following board of omosrs eta rs were wereelected wereI wereelectedI elected at a meeting hold yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdayafternoon esterdaylaCUlmooaafternoon in Banes Hail by bythemeraber bythemeraberlof tbe tbemembers tbemembersof members membersoflof of UM th District of t Columbia Athletic AthleticClub AtbleUeI AthleticClubI Club Chi B Y Walker Wlk president James James9wlft JamesI JamesSwiftI Swift Ties vie president Norris Msggs MsggsMaaaclal MeggeSnandal Meggsii Maaaclal Rdal secretary Jose Jo e Warrlkamo Warrlkamotreasurer WarrikamotreasurerIUMswr treasurer Franklin Marshall general generalmaacgor gueralg generalmanagermanager g Joseph B Miller manager of ofladoor otilldHr ofladlerladler athletics S J Rebel assistant assistantmanager aeelataatmager aeetetantmanagermanager and M prom pr agent and Clyde Mo Mora Mora Moran ra ra J B Hoover and W E Nledfelt Nledfeltmanager NlocUoltRlBlNlger Nfedfeltmanagermanager of outdoor athletics The threat threatened tkreatetHtI threatsand sand disruption of the indoor baseball baseballteam balebaUNRI baseballteemteam NRI bas been settled and the t e team will willcontinue willee willeeatinuecontinue ee ttllue Its schedule of games gamesThe pm pmTile gamesTheThe following Indoor baseball games gameswill gameswillwill 111 be played this month and January JanuaryDecember JanuaryDftCCtBllIer JanuaryDecemberDecember tt Wadsworths December 27 27Union 11UnIOllt 27UalontowasUnion Ualontowas towns wDA December M Kendlewoods KendlewoodsDecember Knellew KendiewoodeDecember o oDeeemlHsrDecember 91 Wadsworths adllwortb January Jaau ry 3 3Kendlewoods 3Keodlewoeds 3KeodlewoedaKendlewoods January 7 and 9 lick Bcklagtoa BekIgtoll lickisgtoalagtoa Eagles January 15 Wads Wadsworths WadlWortH WadsworthWortH at Baltimore January M end SI 21Department SIDepartment 1 1DepartmeatDepartment A Association Tbe teem taamhas teemhasI has been considerably strengthened Mace Maceit sincet IROe IROe4tit 4t t defeat by the addition of Kenny and andMoore aBdJioor andMooreMoore Jioor and d good games are assured assuredWASHINGTON aIIuredWASHINGTON assuredWASHINGTONWASHINGTON PEOPLE PEOPLEAT PEOPLEAT PEOPLEATAT NEW YORK HOTELS HOTELSAlbert HOTELSAJIMrtL HOTELSAlbertLAlbert AJIMrtL A G KVIM KVIMAKOrJ Xwi Xwiwo KmAsterJAKOrJ W nest llMttCMOlM 11 11OMIIIIHMM nestQsilpatillaCMOlM OMIIIIHMM JttC J F WatMB WaleeerQetiaestalA WatMBOwrtfaMBtol Waleet1OoMOwrtfaMBtol OoM QetiaestalA MaDlO x EeenttF > M K I W IIodRA IIodRAPUOi IIo4IweJPMdI lied liedFilthFilth ATSMII A L A e tie > K Hwra HwraO lfxreaaOflry rr n nOlkeyOlkey O J J G Wetkhgttinedlire WoitaJagtaa WoitaJagtaaOnadMn W WsOnadMn s C K L Moan fa C C0r K CratkaiiMk CratkaiiMkOraod crilkshanklkaedOraod 0r cI 113411I UiOoti MSM X HuSdlwea II W S So SoIn Boyd BeydHn BoydteeHn In R T Je J I K r Mrs en H Kimm KimmHeOead EIMMeII EIMMeIIHoUeHA irtce > ap aplidLdAHoUeHA HeOead A hedgers Jr J A a a a ledgesMrs Irs A Alalpe1aIN Hiifttt RedgenlnperflN HiiftttUnpUnp lalpe1aIN Hal Oulick OulickMaoKatUn 0aI1cktt GulickMsebattaeRMaoKatUn MsebattaeR tt aK K VtmStmm FtaSessliiUopelihaC VtmStmmMetliiUopelihaC Met aoIita C H HmmM P F C C KiiweMirt KiiweMirtatartwwafrJNClIUKr ad atm I C J A INugusS D Seberbler SeberblerPark 1Mda 1MdaIIu1tPark Aveaee lHn 1 L k W JaeFleasC JMIIIeaIIMaC Gw Gw1Jft Germet GermetBaaamaieBaaamaie 1Jft W Cobb Cabblit Cobbalit otI H HJ rJsefh rJsefhStemStem atartwwafrJ relt J P BevMa H Kr RetortWaldadr r w LaUe dir Ir and 3I Mss M JIIheMrSTORE OPEN EVENINGS HBOBly t OPly 2 more 11 re days daysuntil daysut daysuntiluntil ut Christmas ChrfetwasGait ChrftnttSGalt ChristmasBraGait g BroEstablished Bro BroEstClblzs BraEstablishedEstablished EstClblzs d a Century L e7ztat7 1ztZtry Ago Ago10E1802 10E 1902 1002HE 1902T 1902HET HE IE posssxnr + ossestn JSS4SIJr r of et diamond diflJ11t01 d7a + lnogd d of o fQUALITY JJE JJEQUALITY FhtiZQUALITY Gait fy S Bro J2roJezveers BroJ61l1clcrs BraJewelersJewelers Silversmiths 5 and Stationers SlatioHYSJ r rIIO7J IIO7 J07 Pt11rmry Pd1An1u alia AW1l116 AW1l116iiUNIQUE FOLDER ISSUED ISSUEDBY ISSUEDBY ISSUEDBYBY C CO 0 RAILWAY RAILWAYPassenger RAILWAYPAIenger RAILWAYPassengerPassenger May Read Description of ofEach ofEachEach Locality Through Which WhkhHe WhichHe WhichHeHe PassesOne Passes PassesOaOa 0 One at the moot uaHuo w aad practical practicalraMretuI praeUeaIrattreacl praetlealralireadraMretuI finders ever see seen ia I this t city cttyhas c1t7ltas cityhashas Just 8t been iaeued by the Chesapeake Ohsoaaoakoaad OIMoakeaIl4 Chesapeakeandand Ohio Hallway Its makeup is along alongllaos aketglicelice 11 suggested IHIgne ted bf W S Breasoa as assistant u8188t asaistant sistant general paseager ageat of the thoread t tread theroadread readIt readIt roadItIt te called an annotated feWer aad aadcombines aadI andeiemblaeacombines with the tk time u tables t ltl ef the thepasseager thep8fJe thepassengerI passenger p8fJe gr trains tral aa abridged sketch sketchboth sltetdiboth sketchbothboth historical ht turleat and descriptive cle erlttth of all of ofthe ofth ofthethe th principal towns aad cities dtk Alone alongthe AloneUle alonethethe Its llae I lite By y Ids uoe 1M the passenger can caafollow ra ratonow canfollowfollow the movement of the u train as At it itqeed itspeedo9 speedo ee4 along follow olle closely the ached schedule sclu scluule achednle ule and read rea of the attraettoM attract of the theplaces tll tlllaeM theplacesplaces laeM he h is peeving without turning tlagpcage a apage apagepage for refereaoo refereaooAfter rel8le refereaoeAfter eeAfter AU noting Ue public buildings to tobe tobe tobebe Mea from the train aa it crosses cn H811 the thoLeag U ULeag theLongLeag Bridge ad eaters ters the city Ute thefollewleg tfeefellowiag Utetenewlngfellowiag iaterestiag deseriptlea cle erlpU ofWashington of otWaahlBgtoa ofWaWashington Wa lDgtH Is gives giveaThe glveaT1te givesTbThe Tb Nations Capital is I every year yearbecoming year8OOMIBg yearbeooeingbecoming more aad more a Mecca eeea for forsightseer ler1dglttaewe forsightseerssightseer business INaIne a men 911 aad pout pelttietaas poutcites tOUU tOUUetacites eta It te j aeka acknowledged wiedgo4 te 0 be beor c one oneof o oofof tb the he must beautiful cities aU In the theworld thel thelworld I Iworldworld Like a great spiders plder web It Itlies Itlies itlieslies among a cluster ef gently rising ridinghills risinghills rWq11mhills 11m Half the satire tire area to streets streetsand MIMUlid streetsandand lid parks There are IM miles II of the thewidest t thewidest 8 8II widest WI streets ia the the world shaded br brraagnlflceat lITJIUlpUkeRt bymegniliceatraagnlflceat trees tr sad paved pay with asphalt as asphalt uJ phalt J ha1t la October 1900 1 when the seat seatof seatoC seatofof government was transferred from fromPhiladelphia fromPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia to Washington the whole wholeforce wholeforee wholeforce tforce of clerks employed was only fif fiftyfour 81tfour Cftyfour tyfour and the records were placed placolla placedinla five ftv large aad seven small n boxes Now Nowtbe Nuwthe Nowthethe city Ia famous for its handsome Iaand 8 and aadcostly udeMU andeasilycostly eMU public aDd private bulliHags and aadia udI andisia I everywhere adorned 1MI0r with eautlfol iautlfaland > eautlfolaad uUCol uUColaodand imposing monuments statues and andraotnorials aRdmeIBOr1als andmemorialsmemorials of the nations IHostrtoM IHostrtoMdoai 1II000trlo 1II000trloa 1II000trloDUURY ilInetrionsdeaddead aDKDRY LANE CLUB CLUBThe CLUBTk CLUBTheThe Tk Drury Lane Club eosapeeed e lJHHHHl etboys et efboys et1to7boys 1to7 and uader the management ef Mas Master MasI Master I ter Yiaaoa Walsh gave Its second pro program pmraID program gram raID Saturday evening tag for the beat beaoAtof beaedtofloc of the Newsboys Hesse He Thomas F FWalsh FWalshIWalsh bas converted the second fleer ofhis of ofhislithis home into Int a charming little theater theateraad theaterandI and standing staatlf g room was sold W at high highprices highprleeai prices pricesCaptain pI prleeaCaptaini Captain Racket was tile play given giveaaad givenandand Del the characters were portrayed tOrtraredfollowa a afollows as asfollowsfollows Capt Bob Racket Vines VinesWalsh Vlaec VlaecWalsh VID80IIWaldlWalsh Obndlah Dawson Herbert Towa TOWBsead TowaMIMI TowaseedMIMI Timothy Tolman Fred Holtzmaa HoltzmaaHobooa HolUmaaHOMoD HoltzmaaHobeonHobooa J Holmes Holm Magruder Clarice ClariceRacket ClrleeR1eket ClariceRacketRacket Nowton K Fox Mrs Irs Tolmaa TolmaaNoil TolmaNoll TolmanNeilNeil Finch Fln Katy Kat maid Karl S Brad Bradford Dradford Bradford ford Tootsy Kid NMlle N lIIe Norman NoraanLee NormanI NormanLeeI Lee is treasurer and Sterling Larabee Larabeoaeelstant LarabeeI LarabeeaeeletantI aeelstant a elstant treasurer treasurerLOCAL Ireasureri treasurerLOCALiI LOCAL MENTION MENTIONWhat MENTIONI MENTIONWhatI What is Better BetterT BettarTo BetterToT To have fcr Jery yew r dtriitmu Christ or r Xew X T Year r olaaec dI er ertthan a tattle 1 Speerf st Speer Old Port or B Busgeedy HKHadrtWise T Ta e oldest and inset wives baD baDPrelwnd ia AsMrica AseriPreferred br the cross refined and wealthy weal Q QekMBaas i is X Nrc Yerk 1 better 1 ttt srfewt wine For tale Ie by It arvggh a t and grocers Ot Sj SPfa Specs eera New Jersey WlvcFussells WhK WhKFussells WkJeFussellsFussells Sweets Chocolates and Bon Bonboa Bon110M Bonbroboa bro Cant ClaRte be better Bare you a sees a the theanayT UteI thearmyI anayT allaY Nice beats tee teoTree tMTree teeTreeTree Teyt Open evenings J Jay Gould OoekJEDMONSTONS 00u1cLEIJIMONSTONS GouldI GouldNomeEDMONSTONS EDMONSTONSHome IHome ol the Original Foot Form FormBoots FormBoots FormBootsBoots for Men Women and andChildren andChildren andChildrenChildren ChildrenXMAS ChildrenXMAS ChildrenXMASXMASSLIPPERS XMASSLIPPERS XMAS XMASSUPPERSSLIPPERS SUPPERSFOR SLIPPERSFOR SLIPPERSFORFOR MENSHOWING MENMOWING MEN MENMOWINGISHOWING MOWING the largest stock of otMens ofMens ofMensMens Slippers In Town Townthe Townthe Townthethe good comfortable sort made madeof madeOf madeofof black or tan Vlcl Kid Kidkid Kidkidlined Kidkidlined kid kidlinedlined throughout tlroughouta a tit It for every everytoot everyfoot everyfootfoot Special for139 139EDMONSTONS 139EDMONSTONS 139lEDMONSTONS lI1334 F STREET STREETTE STREETTHE STREETTHETHE ROSEBY ROSEBYlMplMp J leue eat t our aasortBwot of Cut Flower no and andPotted aMIPott sadPottedPott Potted Plants before ordering elsewhere elHwlleftadnoct No Noadraoro Noadvanceadvance in prtoes pri e emledseated free o of charge chargei0 bal1leltoi0 lto F Street 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